Headlouse - lice

How to get rid of lice the safe way


Unfortunately kids pick up lice at school.

If you have boys, the easiest remedy may just be to shave their heads, but do think about the social ramifications, as it is them who have to be at school, not you.

Personally I would not use a chemical to treat lice. If it kills lice, what will it to applied onto the skin where your child's brain resides?

Not only that, but lice (like any other creature) build up a tolerance to poison.


Buy a louse comb, a metal one.

I find the shorter ones are easier to use. A cheap plastic one will do to, although the metal ones are more robust.

Wash hair their, then put on conditioner.

Comb the hair with the louse comb in sections.

Comb it all.


do this at least every 3 days .

Soon the cycle will be broken. Unless of course they are being reinfected at school.

The eggs hatch  between 5 and 10 days after they are laid.


Apparently lice have provided evidence that humans used clothing between 80,000 and 170,000 years ago.

The Headlouse is not a disease carrying insect apparently, whilst the body louse is.

To read all about the current thinking, see Wikipedia  

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